International Ballast Water Management Certificate (IBWMC)
All ships of 400 gross tonnage and above to which the BWM Convention applies (including existing ships, except floating platform, FSUs and FPSOs) are required to carry International Ballast Water Management Certificate.
The below documents are to be kept on board not only ships applied with Regulation D-2 (ballast water performance standard) but also those with only Regulation D-1 (ballast water exchange standard), or other approach in accordance with specific regulations of BWM Convention.
(1) International Ballast Water Management Certificate (IBWMC)
(2) Approved Ballast Water Management Plan (BWMP)
(3) Ballast Water Record Book (BWRB)
ClassIBS carries out initial survey to confirm that required documents and equipment are provided onboard, and issue the certificate (IBWMC) on behalf of some flag Administration. Also, prior to the initial survey, it is necessary that the onboard documents and revised drawing be approved; please submit them to ClassIBS Plan Approval Department beforehand.
Where a ship, which operates only in waters under jurisdiction of a single Party with their permission not to comply with the Convention, operates outside of the area of waters as defined on a single voyage (e.g. for a dry-dock etc.), an exemption may be granted for the ship on the condition that the ship performs ballast water exchange in accordance with an approved Ballast Water Management Plan.